Rosemary Corin

are at the Eurovision watch party

we’re wearing long dresses and short skirts

and jeans and a bra and not much else

we’re keeping count of the references to fisting

we’ve draped our long limbs

on each other, on our lovers and friends

we’re considering the geopolitics of it all

we’re drinking passionfruit vodka

and overproof Romanian liquor 

we’re half of us watching ironically

and the other half serious as a heart attack

we like Finland this year cause he’s the faggiest one

we like his neon shoulder pads

we’ve got time for Germany’s own-brand Rammstein thing

we’re all fucking each other

or fucking other trans people who’re fucking each other

we’re the breadth of an eyelash from kissing at any time

we call each other darling and fucking mean it

i’m a librarian, she’s a historian, she works at a hospice

she’s her date and I don’t know her at all but she’s my fucking sister 

i heard her poem about the Fomorians

at an open mic once and it blew me away 

she’s the best DJ in town, I lose my mind to her

every other month

we are staying right here in this sitting room

but we are coming for your life

Rosemary Corin is a poet, librarian and enthusiast. Born in London and brought up in Hong Kong, Kunming and St Andrews, she now lives and works in Oxford. She tweets (for now) @rosemarycorin