Mark Saunders
reading aloud to me was like early speech emulators I remember as a teenager copying strings of characters and phrases the computer could speak inhumanly in strangely accented letters to impress my friends saying the words how clever it was
sometimes I would experiment with unnatural clusters sessions of beatbox consonants without vowels clipped and guttural typing in dk dp gk bp and hitting enter for kick drums and a triggered snare tchk could be rolled over tchkchkchk although the high frequency phonemes screamed metallic to me resembling a crash tssshh or ride cymbal tss or a sequence dp ch gkg ts stuck in a loop
I couldn’t work out if the spaces translated into measure or time in any controllable way or if the semblance of verisimilitude had once come out of a human mouth or was just a performance piece encoded with the software finding out its voice
it had been fun but less and less and command prompts didn’t fit in with the way we thrashed and trashed the punch-pocked plasterboard schoolrooms always practising
the episode replayed this too in the monotone unerring evenness of delivery bypassing the studio effects the equalisation stuck in mind to leave just the hook of the poem finding its pulse with anyone free to listen