Richard O’Brien

The stoats are getting all fucked up.

A nervous slice of marble cake,

a bad split bet zigzags across

the snow that didn’t fall this year,

gone long enough for genes to make

their own cold calculation. Our mistakes

spring up before their time: red blooms

in winter, systems out of tune. 

It’s come to this – we didn’t think – 

or thought had nowhere it could go

except into compactor cubes

which slowly stack beneath the snow

that hasn’t fallen yet, but will.

Prod, like an awkward attic hatch,

the great piñata of the clouds:

the ceiling is unsealing now,

containment breached, ready to spill

on stoats, on grass, on moss, on mud,

on bulbs, on buds, on them, on us,

on television, there in black and white.

Richard O’Brien’s publications include A Bloody Mess (Valley Press, 2015) and The Dolphin House (Broken Sleep, 2021), as well as work in a range of magazines and anthologies including The Poetry Review and The White Review. He won an Eric Gregory Award from the Society of Authors in 2017, and is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at Northumbria University. He was the Birmingham Poet Laureate 2018–2020. Richard is currently working on a novel and an experimental music memoir about the American band the Mountain Goats. He can be found on Twitter @notrockyhorror or on Instagram @thelasttimeisawrichard.