Oluwaseun Olayiwola
‘Well, of course: who wants to be born?’
––Hannah Sullivan, Three Poems
and having been castaway (different
to being thrown
out of the light) by a wind
though what truly these days
is the difference when the body
is, law-like, always involved, when
the scatteredness grief
makes of devotion lies before you
like a stupid adjective rolling
the grass: inevitable
is the way any swinging thing
finds rest: (as in what we ought
to do after being fought
into parenthood; what
we leave behind) at the bottom––
the helicopter’s aftermath
a violent fire-dream hollowing
out the seen through to space behind
the eye
like a tattoo. My mother
forbade us to bring
any permanent mark
to our skin––son;
ever-unfolding crack
in the wall. My mother
had dreams, I think,
with grace and aplomb
is how I stole them––