Oluwaseun Olayiwola

‘Well, of course: who wants to be born?’
––Hannah Sullivan, Three Poems

and having been castaway (different 
to being thrown
out of the light) by a wind 

though what truly these days
is the difference when the body 
is, law-like, always involved, when

the scatteredness grief 
makes of devotion lies before you 
like a stupid adjective rolling 

the grass: inevitable 
is the way any swinging thing 
finds rest: (as in what we ought 

to do after being fought 
into parenthood; what 
we leave behind) at the bottom–– 

the helicopter’s aftermath 
a violent fire-dream hollowing 
out the seen through to space behind

the eye
like a tattoo. My mother 
forbade us to bring 

any permanent mark
to our skin––son; 
ever-unfolding crack 

in the wall. My mother
had dreams, I think, 
with grace and aplomb

is how I stole them––

Oluwaseun Olayiwola is a poet, critic, and choreographer based in London. He’s had his poems and criticism published in Oxford Poetry, 14poems, The Telegraph, the TLS, and bath magg. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram at @itsamule.