Mary Shackle Wilson

onesided Janus masks a ship’s figurehead

glossing naval years in wide porcelain

plastic soars as the counter terrorist threat is set high

heightened by history hardbacks

cut pages scar its portal vein

starboard sunk

I become a museum suspended below

the monobrowhorizon and beardless 

stars; the sea acts as a preserving jar of salted meat

I am swimwalking through black air

rivulet staining rudderless 

to secede

vanished stitches leave leather fragment fray

a counter melody corrodes iron

I am now sharing the air space with a tudor ship

dissenting fabric, oak, a bone

dice the size of an infant tooth 

pricked three

sundial in silt, nit-wit seaweed combs

arrowfire strength to water bait 

a cartography of seamotheaten pewter plates

a rhythm to work the rigging

finds bowing form in my late


directing the artifacts to my design

I am the organising principle 

rarewind blows the finding of a low oboe to the fore

an octave below the shrill shawm

to soughing to then instil

calm casing

Mary Shackle Wilson has come to poetry through performing, making and listening to folk music. She approaches words as an instrument — to be learned and played. She is interested in the Venn diagram of lyrics and poetry — in words before they are written on a page and then what happens when they are 'inked' into our consciousness. She is currently studying on the MA in Writing Poetry with the Poetry School.