Francesca Brooks
I like the slick lacquered lid
of a mushroom in the damp,
of the secret of its gills
vaulted, ticklish,
a kind of velvet
intended only to be known
by leaf rot forest floor.
The swamps are ferrous,
moss-edged fogged with spore
I stay close
to the waxy fluorescence
of Orange Peel ascocarps,
the snuffed wicks
of the Candlestick fungus
like the small,
pale arm that reaches
from a wet log
I dream of the ice caves of
Bearded Tooth Lion’s Mane
mycelial snow cascade
find ears of jelly cupped to felled elder
plush, evanescent,
a maroon light listening
for parakeets bark of heron disturbed,
a landscape
as the ridge of skin and cartilage
known only
to pillow lover’s soft eye.