Chin Lin Gan

Audio Block
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pomfret on lazy susan draped in arras chainmail / soft-steamed silver & sesame waxen pout / parted soft o of

loose-souped sleep / moirai eye divine penumbra my / old milk iris like the / saturn stain from a bitter cup of ocha /

like a scorch of sweat / salt tears / hard to swallow / sword shards of ginger thin & / hot to lick / eat the eye to

preserve past into future / chopsticks & their clamp of want / never crossed to tempt luck / taboo stuck upright my /

rice wrought reaper / napkin swans necks twisted soft by centuries / of laundered kiss / baptismals recycled but

never fully erased / (slight oilspill in the micro weft) / (but that’s part of the business can’t help the) / celebratory

carcass striptease / of flesh fresh ousted from fine bone / feels lonely & en-route / we eat drink man woman / & be

merry for this ceremonial nakedness will / herald in our new old year / of every fish in every pond who asks / what is

water / huat ah you waiting for / you can have the first hack at it

Lin is a Singaporean artist and multidisciplinary creative, currently working from York. Her work, ranging from film to cultural/creative writing, has been featured in The Washington Post, Magma Poetry, & more. She writes about spatial theory through foodscapes, and the intersections of Hakka Chinese and Singaporean cultural memory.