Betty Doyle

one or both her parents. See also: Father. See also: ‘Somebody’s daughter’. In relation to protection, possession. Antonym: worthy. See also: Mother. Synonym: responsible. Synonym: synonymous. 

also verb meaning to shoulder

also verb meaning to become perfect without status, to become mother without baby or age, to listen without response as in She daughtered the youngest son or She daughtered the divorce or She daughtered the dirty floors and daughtered greasy plates and daughtered the garden, the sheets, the bins, the milk, and the eggs

also adj meaning buffered

also narrative as in the narrative of the eldest buffer will never get old because the burden is never-ending

also statistics as in 99% of eldest buffer trauma wouldn’t exist if ______ just ____________

See also: SI unit Pascal

also noun meaning buffer as in We wanted a son but we got a buffer or We have a buffer and a son or My buffer is my best friend or Eldest buffer’s brain compartments be like: mother trauma father trauma sibling trauma or are you the eldest buffer and hold every sort of responsibility and burden, take all the heat and get all the fresh trauma or are you normal or you either break the generational curse of eldest buffer trauma or die trying or Just wait until you have a buffer of your own or I can’t believe my buffer will never have a buffer of her own 

also noun – meaning not found

Betty Doyle is a disabled poet from Merseyside, where she works at a sixth form college. Her work has appeared in publications such as Agenda, Butcher's Dog, The North, and Poetry Wales. She has a PhD in Creative Writing from Manchester Metropolitan University, where she researched infertility poetics. Her debut poetry pamphlet, Girl Parts, was published by Verve Poetry Press in 2022.