Ali Fitzpatrick

Parked in the middle of my street, anchored

by your citadel, distant, bathed in light,

we removed our sallowed skins unhampered

and kissed with breath inflected by finite

touches and teases and remnants of gin, 

of rizlas gracing the edge of a tongue,

of hairs dusting pathways from ear to chin. 

I’d have offered you myself to be wrung 

out and consumed - devoured even - ‘til

I remembered the calm of me, herself,

a curious constant renewed of will,

un-haloed but hallowed, crowned without wealth.

And so, as two forms, distinct, we parted,

a more intricate weave than when we started.

Ali Fitzpatrick is a London-based writer of mixed British-Asian heritage. A recent graduate from SOAS with an MA in History of Art and Architecture of the Islamic Middle East, her poetry explores themes of self, food and religion. She’s trying to find a way to capture that feeling of being in between. Her work was first published in late 2022 in t’ART magazine. You can find her eating tomatoes or on Instagram @knitnpoke and at