Alexandra Citron

Teddy bears. 

The Monopoly set. 

Pets, permanently or temporarily – specifically the Siamese cat. 


The lead of Mrs Shoemaker in next year’s school play. 

Mama’s favourite bouzouki tape.

The chickens and turkeys gossiping from the neighbour’s yard.

Hymns. Christmas statues of golden angels made from card and lace. 

The Ladybird Book of Saints

Friends. Green and white gingham uniforms.

Warm plastic and lemon squash.

Kebabs in the old city at night. 


The milkshakes at George’s Diner on the road to the mountains. 

Strawberry ice cream by the pool.

Hippo-smooth mud in the stream by the house in the mountains. 

The red house in the apricot grove  

where the old communist lived. 

Fathers – temporarily or permanently. 

Wildflowers in Roman ruins. 

The ground beneath your feet. 

Pear trees planted in the red soil, one each, that haven’t fruited yet.

Alexandra Citron was born in the US but has lived in the UK since her early teens. She works as an editor and her poems have appeared in Ink Sweat & Tears, And Other Poems, Mslexia, Visual Verse and on iamb, as well as in the Emma Press' anthology, Everything That Can Happen: Poems about the Future and an anthology of The Blue Side Poets 'Show of Hands.'